Baby Omphile and Family
How pretty is little Omphile! She is a busy little nine month old and adored by her parents. I love photographing babies and Omphile just reminded me why.
Just a few favourites.
How pretty is little Omphile! She is a busy little nine month old and adored by her parents. I love photographing babies and Omphile just reminded me why.
Just a few favourites.
Hallo wêreld! Kyk net hoe klein en pragtig is baba Karli! So fraai en fyn.
Die hele gesin is al te bly oor haar koms en gereed om haar met liefde te oorlaai.
Net ‘n paar gunstelling fotos.
Hello world! Little Tshedza is so precious and adorable. He is brand new and so loved by his family.
Just a few favourites. All the images can be viewed under the client proofs.
Hallo wêreld! Kyk net hoe pragtig is baba Ava. Sy is splinternuut en haar familie is reeds vreeslik lief vir haar.
Net ‘n paar gunstelling fotos. Kyk gerus na al die fotos onder die “client proofs”.
Hierdie pragtige baba seuntjie is splinternuut. Hy het na die studio gekom saam met sy mamma en pappa vir sy eerste foto sessie. En dit nogals in die winter! Ons het ons bes gedoen om hom warm en gemaklik te hou.
Net ‘n paar gunstelling fotos. Kyk gerus na al die fotos onder die “client proofs”.
Baby Alison is brand new. She is such a beautiful little baby girl!
Just a few favourites. All the images can be viewed under the client proofs.
Precious baby Olivia recently visited the studio with her very proud parents. She is brand new and so precious!
Just a few favourites. All the images can be viewed under the client proofs.
Piepklein Joshua is nog splinternuut. Hy het saam met sy familie die studio besoek vir sy eerste foto sessie. En dit in die winter! As die jongste van drie boeties, gaan hy verseker ‘n oorvloed liefde ontvang.
Net ‘n paar gunstelling fotos. Kyk gerus na al die fotos onder die “client section”.
Liefste klein Xander was maar een week oud toe hy saam met sy gesin by die studio was vir sy eerste foto sessie. Hy is al te pragtig en stroop soet. Groot sus Milahn was ‘n groot hulp en ek kan sien sy gaan boetie pragtig help groot maak. Reg om kombersies in te vou en seker te maak boetie is gemaklik. Al te dierbaar.
Net so paar fotos van hierdie oulike mannetjie en sy gesin. Gaan loer gerus na al die fotos onder die “client proofs”.
Little Anastasia was only 13 days old when I took these images. She slept through most of the session like a little angle. Coincidently she also has the face of a little angel.
Just a few favourites. All the images can be viewed under the client proofs.