Graduation Portraits: Michaëla – Pretoria Graduation Photographer

Pretoria East Graduation Photographer

Well done Michaëla! Masters Degree done and dusted. Hard work paid off. All the best for the future.

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” Bill Bradley

Just a few favourites. You can read more about our graduation photos here.

Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer
Pretoria Graduation Photographer

The Baragwanath Family – Pretoria East Photographer

Pretoria East Studio Photographer

I love working with the family. The kids are adorable and watching them grow and develop personalities is a privilege. You can always tell when children grow up in a loving environment where they get the right stimulation and tons of attention.

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career.” ― C.S. Lewis

Just a few favourites from the photo session.

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

You can read more about our studio photo sessions here.

The Makgoba Family – Pretoria East Photographer

Pretoria East Studio Photographer

This lovely family came to the studio for an hour photo session. Such cute little girls. I loved shooting all their girly scenes.

“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” — Desmond Tutu

Just a few favourites from the photo session.

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

You can find out more about our studio photo sessions here.

Jacaranda Photo Sessions 2021 – Pretoria Photographer

Outdoor/Location Photo Sessions

It is almost that time of the year again. When Pretoria becomes a wave of purple flowers. We have had some rain and I have noticed that some Jacaranda’s are already blooming.

Picksees Photography will be doing Jacaranda Photo Sessions between 20 October and 6 November.

Booking is essential.

Contact details here.

You can look at a previous session here.

The Meissner Family – Pretoria East Photographer

Outdoor / Location Photo Shoot – Sammy Marks Museum

What a lovely family! All getting together to create beautiful memories.

“I sustain myself with the love of family.” Maya Angelou

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

If you would like to know more about our location/outdoor photo session, click here.

Spring Specials – Pretoria East Photographer

Spring has sprung – Time for special deals

Spring is on its way and Picksees Photography thought this would be good time to run some specials.

Times are tough and across the world people are suffering due to the Covid Pandemic and Lockdowns. Economically we are suffering but we will carry on.

We need to try and live a normal life under these circumstances. Hopefully these specials will assist you to keep up with your family memories. Or to even market your business.

You can view our current pricing here.

Pretoria Photographer

Contact me if you would like to make a booking or if you have any questions.

Jarryd and San-Marí’s Wedding Day – Pretoria Wedding Photographer

Jarryd & San-Marí ties the knot at Gecko Ridge Wedding Venue

Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married …

It feels like all of this happened very fast. I remember when San-Marí and Jarryd started dating. And getting engaged. Then one day during the lockdown she came to me and said that the date was set. I thought really, you guys just met? I was wrong. It was time.

I felt so honoured when they asked me to be their wedding photographer. They know that I talk a lot and that they would have to spend the whole day with me… And they still picked me regardless.

I of course agreed immediately. Both San-Marí and Jarryd shares the same moral values as I do. Our Christian faith comes first and I just new that we would work well together.

Both San-Marí and her mother Linda plays a big role in my child’s life. They have shaped and formed Daniella’s young life in so many positive ways. This was my chance to give back.

Just a “few” favourites from this lovely and blessed day.

Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria East Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding Photographer

And they lived happily ever after …

You can also have a look at the couple’s photo session we did before the wedding here.

Kindly contact me if you have any photography needs.

Couples Photography: San-Marí and Jarryd

Pretoria Couples Photographer

I have known San-Marí for a while now and I was overjoyed when this lovely couple asked me to photograph their wedding.

We decided to do a couples photo session before their big day and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

It is always a good idea to do an engagement photo session before your wedding day.

This will give you the opportunity to “practice” your wedding photos and give you the chance to get to know your photographer.

Just a few favourites.

Pretoria Couples Photographer
Pretoria Couples Photographer
Pretoria Couples Photographer
Pretoria Couples Photographer

You can contact me here or look at our pricing here.

Pregnancy Photo Session: Waiting for Baby Motsatse

Such a special time in any couple’s life’s.

“A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

Just a few favourites.