The Basson and Verloop Families – Pretoria East Photographer

Studio Photography done in Pretoria East

I have know these two families for a very long time. I simply love photographing them and spending time with them. They really make me realise why I love working with people.

“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” – George Bernard Shaw

Just a few favourites.

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

If you would like to know more about our studio sessions, please click here.

The Verloop Girls – Pretoria East Photographer

Pretoria Location Photographer

It is that time of the year where Pretoria explodes in purple blooms. Jacaranda Time!

The city is then at it’s most beautiful. Photographers jump to make use of this beautiful backdrop.

I have known the Verloop Girls for nine years. Photographing them is an absolute joy and I always look forward to their photo sessions. They are so natural in front of the camera and always happy.

It was so difficult to select just a few images to post, but here goes:

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

You can read more about our location/outdoor/lifestyle photo sessions here.

Jacaranda Photo Sessions 2021 – Pretoria Photographer

Outdoor/Location Photo Sessions

It is almost that time of the year again. When Pretoria becomes a wave of purple flowers. We have had some rain and I have noticed that some Jacaranda’s are already blooming.

Picksees Photography will be doing Jacaranda Photo Sessions between 20 October and 6 November.

Booking is essential.

Contact details here.

You can look at a previous session here.

The Lemekwan Family – Pretoria Photographer

Family Photos in Studio

Such a lovely family. A pleasure to work with.

“In truth a family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring and love you show to one another, and by the hopes for the future you have as individuals and as a unit.” Marge Kennedy

Just a few favourites.

Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer
Pretoria Photographer

You can read more about our studio sessions here.

Apfeswaho is two! – Pretoria East Photographer

Pretoria Studio Photo Session

Happy Birthday to you Apfeswaho! You are one busy little man. Giving your parents the run around is fun to watch.

Love repeat clients. Lovely to see this family again.

Just a few favourites.

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

You can read more about our studio sessions here.

The Meissner Family – Pretoria East Photographer

Outdoor / Location Photo Shoot – Sammy Marks Museum

What a lovely family! All getting together to create beautiful memories.

“I sustain myself with the love of family.” Maya Angelou

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

If you would like to know more about our location/outdoor photo session, click here.

Spring Specials – Pretoria East Photographer

Spring has sprung – Time for special deals

Spring is on its way and Picksees Photography thought this would be good time to run some specials.

Times are tough and across the world people are suffering due to the Covid Pandemic and Lockdowns. Economically we are suffering but we will carry on.

We need to try and live a normal life under these circumstances. Hopefully these specials will assist you to keep up with your family memories. Or to even market your business.

You can view our current pricing here.

Pretoria Photographer

Contact me if you would like to make a booking or if you have any questions.

Little Langa is One – Pretoria East Photographer

Family Photo Session

“Being part of a family means smiling for photos.” from the TV Show Dexter.

This was my second time photographing this lovely family. I love repeat clients! It can only mean that I have done something right previously…

Cutie Pie Langa recently turned One Year Old. She is ‘n busy and curious little baba and I thoroughly enjoyed photographing her.

Just a few favourites.

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

If you would like to book your session, please click here.

The Masuku Girls – Pretoria East Family Photographer

Studio Photo Session

“A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.” – Unknown

This was a fun photo session. A rather long photo session with lots of outfit and decor changes. Mom, Angeline turned 40 and it was a memorable occasion.

Just a “few” favourites.

Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Family Photographer
Pretoria East Family Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Family Photographer
Pretoria East Family Photographer
Pretoria East Family Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer
Pretoria East Photographer

Here is some more information on our studio photo sessions.

Kagoentle – Pretoria East Studio Photographer

Studio Portraits

“She is the exclamation point in the happiest sentence I could ever write” Unknown

Little Kagoentle was very scared and nervous. She was so brave and I am so proud of her. This little darling melted my heart.

Just a few favourites.

Pretoria Children's Photographer
Pretoria Children's Photographer
Pretoria Children's Photographer
Pretoria Children's Photographer
Pretoria Children's Photographer
Pretoria Children's Photographer
Pretoria Children's Photographer

If you are interested in booking a session for your family or children, you can read more about what we offer here.