Mandy & Kayle [Pretoria East Photographer]

Mandy en ek ken mekaar al vir jare.  Ons was saam op skool donkie jare gelede.  Nou is ons albei mammas wat vreeslik lief is vir ons kindertjies en hulle ondersteun in alles was hulle aanpak.  Dit was so lekker om weer vir Mandy en Kayle te sien.  En hulle sommer ook weer voor my lens te hê.  Kayle is een awesome outjie en ons sien hom eersdaags op Kyknet se Silwerskermfees kort film, Parkie.  Kan nie wag nie!

Net ‘n paar gunsteling fotos.  Kyk gerus na al die fotos onder die “client proofs”.

Mulalo Family [Pretoria East Photographer]

The Mulalo Family recently came to the studio with their two beautiful boys.  I enjoyed working with these two kids so much!  The are just so well behaved!

Just a few favourites.  All the images can be viewed under the client proofs.